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Stress <-------------> Calm

Week 3


A Physiological response in the body. This week we dive a little deeper?

Have you ever heard about the Adrenal System?

There is so, so much more.

There are several body systems involved in the process.

This week I'm sharing a little bit about the Adrenal System.

Adrenal System

A stressful situation can and usually will activate the Adrenal Systems hormone - Cortisol. Whether it is an:-

* Environmental stress, eg work deadline * Psychological stress, eg persistent worry about losing a job

* Physical stress, eg pushing your body until you are in pain

A stressful incident can make the heart pound and breathing quicken. Muscles tense up and you start to sweat. In extreme stress you may experience Anxiety and up to Panic Attacks.


Utilising one or more of these techniques to help support your calm:-

* Deep abdominal breathing * Focus on a soothing word (try peace or calm or one that resonates with you) * Visualisation of tranquil scenes (it is important that you choose a safe place)

* Prayer (a conversation with your higher power, God, Universe, etc.) * Yoga (a little more challenging physically, however if you are up for it, go for it) * TaiChi/QiGong is very beneficial in bringing the Adrenal System back into a state of calm. (Gentle, slow movement incorporating breath and focus) This is definitely one of my favourites. Let me know, in the comments below this blog post, if you choose any or all of the above techniques and were they helpful for you.

Incorporating other healing tools as well, can definitely support the body to heal and recover. I'm here for you, happy to answer any questions you may have.

You may like to consider a Reiki session with me.

Reiki is a very relaxing and gentle healing process.

I will be going deeper into all this in my upcoming Master Class.

The link to book in a Reiki Session with me is above.

Covering the basics will be continuing over the next few weeks. Consider subscribing so you never miss this informative weekly blog.

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